Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm starting to get nervous

This is such a weird cycle for me (even weirder than the last!). It's both easy and difficult. It's easy (on me) because I have no physically (bodily) involvement in any of the process, I am neither providing the eggs, or carrying any resulting babies. It's difficult because being the control freak I am I cannot control ANY of the process, since I have no involvement. It's starting to take it's toll on me already and we haven't even started cycling yet!

We secured our egg donor on Tuesday 13th October, that's nearly two weeks ago now, and she hasn't yet been in to our clinic for her primary testing. I discovered yesterday that our second and third donor choices have both gone into cycle for other couples. This is being to freak me out. We are on a tight time schedule, we need to transfer by January, and I know how long these things can take, believe me, I've been here enough times before under different circumstances.

So there it is, I'm starting to get nervous.


Donnadman said...

hmmm, can anyone call her?

Kirsten, Chris, Jacob, Sarah & Evan said...

The clinic and the donor are playing phone tag...not helpful!