Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One hurdle cleared

Yesterday was a big day. Jenn had her biopsy, which went well, her results are expected on Friday, we do not expect any issues to arise.

Our donor had her first appointment and everything was found to be perfect! Our clinic is very happy with her, she is very healthy, cooperative and an expert in the IVF shots she is required to do. She had some genetic testing carried out and we expect the results in approximately two weeks. She has had two pregnancies from two previous egg donations so we can allow ourselves some hope that this might just work. At the very least we will have tried our very best.

We have an estimated schedule, which is very exciting!

Donor starts stims ~ November 29th
Donor's egg retrieval ~ December 11th
Jenn's embryo transfer ~ December 16th
Beta test ~ December 28th

November is going to be very quiet, except for some test result, so we have a little time to enjoy the fall before things start to get a little crazy!


Donnadman said...

Wonderful - you are making me cry! The timing is similar to when Jacob and Sarah were arriving into your hearts! Hmm, that must mean something extra special! I love you! ~D

N said...

wow, wow, wow! A schedule! How exciting! And what a great Christmas present a positive beta would be. :) Woohoo!!!

RB said...

Lots of luck K!

Nicki BL said...

Praying that this is it!