Monday, November 30, 2009

Eggs, Eggs and more Eggs

I confirmed with the clinic that our donor started stims medication yesterday. We are told that she has very productive ovaries, so we are hoping for great things!

Our cycle is in full swing. Good luck D.


Unknown said...

How exciting!

N said...

Woohoo! When does she have the first ultrasound? And do you get the results each time she goes in from the doctor?

Kirsten, Chris, Jacob, Sarah & Evan said...

N, I have no idea when the first ultrasound is! It never occured to me that we would get updates from the ultrasounds, I'm just expecting an update after the ER!

RB said...

I'm praying for you two! Fingers are crossed :)

N said...

K, you are too funny!!! lol