Monday, October 26, 2009

The Shots

One of the things people are always intrigued with when they find out I'm a surrogate is the shots. For someone who has never done an IVF cycle, the thought of giving yourself a shot can be quite terrifying. When people find out that I've given myself hundreds of shots, some if them just about pass out. Still, my hat is off to those who do the egg retreival side of an IVF cycle. While I can do an IM injections with my eyes closed (okay, not really!), the stomach shots just give me the chills. I can't imagine having to face the stomach shots so many times a day.

After having given myself so many shots, I'll admit that I am pretty good at injections. I've got it down to a science. I use the smallest needle possible and I inject slowly. I hide in the bathroom so that my husband doesn't faint. ;) BUT....even though I've stood in front of the mirror hundreds of times to do an injection, I still break out in a cold sweat every time! :) I guess no matter how much practice I get, the anxiety never fully fades away.

The mock cycle is over tomorrow, so I have only one more shot to go tomorrow morning and then I am done with injections for a little while. I have a endometrial biopsy in the morning. Hopefully everything will be normal with that.

1 comment:

N said...

First, wanted to say that I love that you guys are blogging together! :)

As for the shots, I totally know what you matter how many you've done, each one makes you a little sweaty still. There's always that anticipation. It's awesome that you are such a pro at those IM shots...don't forget that it took me several cycles before I gave up using my numbing cream! lol