Tuesday, December 29, 2009

1 or 2?

or 3? (just kidding!)

The speculation has begun. We transferred 2 grade 1 expanding blasts and Jenn is pregnant. The most likely scenario is 1 or 2 babies, however it's just possible that either of the blasts could split into identicals, which could bring our numbers up to 4 or more!!

Sometimes during an IVF cycle a procedure is carried out on the embryos called assisted hatching, which give the embryos a head start on implanting. The procedure was used on this cycle and it gives a slightly increased chance of an embryo splitting, hence identical twins, triplets (or more!!)

My guess is 1 healthy baby growing, what do you think?

It will be a while before we find out so keep an open mind!!!


N said...

my official guess is one (just based on the statistical distribution on betabase!) but it could go either way. :)

Unknown said...

Everyone says one, but my gut feeling is two! Or maybe it's just wishful thinking!?! ;)

Meez said...

Its most definitely twins!