Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Our final beta test (I think?) is in. Today's HCG level is 885. We were hoping it would be over 1,000 but 885 is still a good number. Doubling time is 51 hours which is down from 39.5 on Monday, but still nothing to be concerned about. As I mentioned in Monday's post a good doubling time is between 48 and 72 hours, so our numbers are STILL looking really good!

I am predicting 1 healthy bean for our ultrasound on Monday.


Donnadman said...

Hi Kirsten, woo hoo! I'm so excited for you guys to go on Monday! Wanna take the kiddies to the gym on Thurs? I'll be looking forward to seeing your ultrasound pic's then! :)

RB said...

So happy for you!!!