Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Our ultrasound this morning was perfect, right on track. Last week our bean measured 6w2d and exactly one week later measures 7w2d, so a perfect weeks growth. We are actually at 7w4d but a couple of days either way is fine at this point.

Our bean is not so little anymore, last week bean was 5.1mm and today was 11.6mm more than double!! Nice bean growing Jenn!!

At the moment you can only see a big blog and the yolk sac. I am lead to believe (by Jenn!) that the bean could be laying head down to the left and feet upwards (ish). I am clearly not good at this guessing game because I had it completely the other way round.

I think it's possible by next week bean will look more baby like and less white blob!


Unknown said...

Oh, boy, thanks for crediting me for the interpretation of the u/s. I can't make heads or tails of it either!

Donnadman said...

Love it!!! I couldn't be happier for all of you!!!! Hope you continue to feel ok, Jenn!

Nicki BL said...

This is so exciting!