Sunday, January 24, 2010

Enjoying the moment

I won't pretend this journey isn't a difficult one, we know too much and we've seen so much sadness and pain. However twice in the last week I've been shown it's important to stop expecting the sad and instead learn to enjoy the moment.

The first was last week on the way home from the ultrasound, when Jenn commented that although she does understand how hard this can be and nothing is certain, that she prefers (and our baby deserves) for us to enjoy the time this little life is with us regardless of how long that may turn out to be.

The second was today when I went to Church with Patti (my MIL) and this verse was included in the message;

"If we already have something , we don't need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently" ~ Romans 8

As it happens this verse is actually talking about looking to the future and waiting for eternal life, but as Patti told me on the way home, as soon as it was read out she immediately thought of us worrying about the outcome of this pregnancy and how we really do have to trust God and turn our worry over to him, our job is to wait patiently and confidently.

I am so lucky to have such strong compassionate people in my life who help to steer me back towards the right path when I get a little lost.

(thank you)

1 comment:

N said...

that's a neat way to see Romans 8 - I love it!