Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Usually I let Kirsten do the updating, but...

Just thought I'd make a quick post about our ultrasound today. Our appointment was a 6:30 am, and we managed to squeeze K, C and both of their little ones, plus myself a doctor and a nurse into the u/s room! We saw one little heart beating away on the screen. The baby measured 6 weeks 2 days, and I am (I think) 6 weeks 3 days, so we were all very pleased. I'm sure Kirsten will have the u/s picture up later today!


Cheryl said...

That is really great news!!

N said...

HOORAY! What a beautiful sight it is. :) I was thinking the u/s was tomorrow (I thought today was the 11th). Then I was mailing something just now and had to write the date (the 12th) and I immediately thought, "OMG, I have to get home and check the blog! It was today!" LOL

BTW, I can't believe you fit all those people in the tiny room! Weren't J & S confused by it all? Did they understand what was happening? Sounds like a post to me...

Davina said...

Tnanks Jenn. Looking forward to seeing the pic. lol Davina x

RB said...

Great great great news!