Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pumping and exercise?

Is there a connection between the increased volume of milk achieved after exercise? For me at least it looks like there is. I have noticed that whenever I pump directly after a long run the volume of milk I achieve goes up significantly. Seems spooky weird to me, why would that be? Whatever the reason, I'm happy, and it makes me want to go do more exercise, can't fault that!


Heather said...

Not sure about increasing the supply, but I know that it changes the 'flavor' of the milk. but yeah - if your motivation to exercise is to increase your milk supply, make sure you drink plenty of water! ;-)

Unknown said...

I've always heard the opposite was true, but hey, if it's working for you, by all means, go for it! I agree with the water comment though.

N said...

How funny, I was just reading about this last night. I read that if you breastfeed after exercising, your body has built up lactic acid that makes the milk more "sour" - so I think what Heather said about changing the flavor is true! Don't know about the supply though.