Friday, September 3, 2010

Breastfeeding update

My outlook on breastfeeding has had to change. Much as I would love to have accomplished the dream of being able to exclusively breastfeed Evan myself, I always knew that was going to be a hard mountain to climb. Inducing lactation is really more about bonding than feeding and although I knew that I was hoping to be able to go the extra mile, but that hasn't been the case. I visited the breastfeeding clinic this week to measure how much Evan was able to get from me and as I suspected he is only able to obtain an ounce at each feeding which is only about a third of the amount he needs each time. I have decided to move back to pumping full time where I am able to achieve a higher output of breast milk and only breastfeed in the evenings when we have time to dedicate exclusively to bonding and spending time with each other with no distractions.

I am now able to pump approximately 7 ounces per day which is a couple of ounces more than the time he was born, so I am encouraged that the amount is increasing rather than reducing. It's not enough to feed a growing baby but at least I am doing my bit for him even if it's just a drop in the ocean.

Evan is so lucky to have such an amazing surrogate in Jenn, who is kindly taking time out of her busy days to also pump milk for the little man. Between us we are managing to keep him exclusively on breast milk at this point and I am so excited for that.

Thanks Jenn!!


Donnadman said...

You are doing a great job! I love your idea of evening bonding!!! Your baby is lucky that you are his Momma!! I'm proud of you and can't wait to see you next! Love, Donna

N said...

I think the evening bonding is a great glad you aren't just throwing in the towel when the going gets tough. You are doing an amazing job with this and I'm so impressed!

greyfen said...

Wow, you are committed - good job and attitude friend

Unknown said...

You are doing great, and he has gotten a healthy start! Good job!