Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One month today

Our little man is one month old today. He is changing so much. He is finally taking more note of his surroundings and smiling like there are secret jokes going on! He is growing bigger each day although he is still in newborn clothes and diapers, we haven't graduated to 0-3 months yet!!

I am trying to cherish each moment of these early newborn days, I know they won't last.

I am so excited we have made it to one month on milk alone without having to supplement with formula!! I know those days are now over and we will need to add formula from now on, but thanks to Jenn, the forumla will be secondary to the milk.

Things are a little crazy in our house, but we are slowly learning to muddle through with 3 year old twins and a little man.

Happy one month baby Evan!!


Cheryl said...

Happy one month evan!!! Where has the month gone?! Great that evan is smiling, can't wait to see daisys smiles too! X

decemberbaby said...

Oh my gosh, how on earth did I miss this? Seriously? This is the best news EVER! I'm so happy for your growing family...