Monday, January 4, 2010

1 or 2? (revisited)

When we saw just 1 gestational sac this morning I was both happy and sad. Here are my thoughts on 1 or 2?

2 ~ Just 1 means we lost 1 embryo. It's never a good feeling to find an embryo, a chance of life didn't make it.

~ We are used to a life of 2. So far everything we've done is 2. We have 2 of everything and we like it that way. We are happy with things coming in 2's, 1 does seem kind of strange!

~ The OCD part of me likes even numbers. 2 is cool, 4 is cool, 3 is uneven!

1 ~ Just 1 means so many good things.

~ 1 is safer for Jenn and the baby

~ Caring for 3 will be doable, 4 would be overwhelming

~ It is easier to enjoy the joys of 1 small child than keeping on top of the needs of 2

If we had seen 2 on the ultrasound this morning, we would have counted our blessings twice over, and we still will if by some chance another one pops up at a future ultrasound. However, knowing there is probably only 1 is an amazing blessing that we are so thankful for.

1 comment:

Meez said...

Wonderful! I'm so happy for you. I would feel the exact same way - sometimes I root for 2 - sometimes I root for one...both have their pros and their cons. I'd be happy with anything at this point, but of course, 2 has a nice ring to it :-)
