Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Appointment Today

We had another appointment at the clinic this morning, and I took Raymond, my husband with me. He's heard all my stories about our crazy fertility doctor (how he plays classic rock music in the patient rooms, how he has 12 inch dolls of himself in different outfits and holding an infant in the hutch in the lobby, and how he likes to say, "What's crackin'?...not to mention the Einstein-ish hair style :) ). So he was curious to finally meet Dr. W. He is not nearly as crazy as he sounds, but he certainly leaves an impression on people. :)

The appointment went really well. I am 10 weeks and 4 days, and the baby was measuring 10 weeks and 4 days--perfect. We could see him moving around in there! Once he even turned his head to the side right by his hand and then turned it back. We saw little legs and arms, and Dr. W. pointed out facial bones to us (I couldnt' really tell). Again, the scanner issue...my sister in law has offered to let me use hers, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Hopefully before K and C get back, lol!

We will have two more appointments at the clinic, and then most likely only two more u/s after that through my ob. One at 14 weeks (maybe) and the next between 18 and 20.

K mentioned that I am due for another belly pic, so I will try to remember to do one tonight.

1 comment:

N said...

love the new belly pic! It's very cute! :)