Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last Clinic Appt

We had our last clinic appt. Tuesday and all went well. The baby was measuring right on at 12 weeks 4 days. I received a packet of all my records to pass on to my ob. Next appt. is March 4th. :)

I passed the 12 week mark with only a few instances of morning sickness and no nausea. However, the last few days I've been throwing up every morning. This baby is certainly keeping me on my toes!

I think I've felt a few kicks already. Usually a couple times a day I'll feel something or other that I think are kicks or rolls. I know the doctors say it's early, but I felt the twins at 11 weeks and my second child at 14 weeks, so it is certainly possible. Can't wait until K and C can feel the kicks from the outside!


Unknown said...

Glad your appt went well and that the babies are already kicking! My blog is if you wanted to keep in touch. I love hearing and keeping up with new stories.

N said...

Oh no! That's not fair to get morning sickness NOW!!! I hope it's temporary!

That's crazy that you might be feeling the baby already. wow!

N said...

love the new belly pic! :)