Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ultrasound Results

I mentioned before that I had an ultrasound scheduled for this past Saturday to check on little Evan's growth. At my last two appointments, my belly measurements have been behind about 2 weeks. The doctor thought it was due to Evan's position, but sent me for an ultrasound just in case.

Generally speaking, the ultrasound technician won't tell you anything, but I was blessed with a particularly chatty one this time, and she shared plenty of information with me! Evan is measuring pretty much right on schedule (30 weeks, 0 days, and I was 30 weeks 1 day at the time). He is approx. 3 pounds 9 ounces, and is head-down. So things are looking good with him, and the small belly measurements must have been a fluke since the ultrasound is showing that he is growing fine.

On the screen, I could see him opening and closing his mouth and he had both hands in front of his face, rubbing his eyes. I got a few pictures to pass on to Kirsten, but they aren't the best. The technician said they were blurry because he is facing my back, so it's hard to get a good view of him. My husband thinks he looks like he is wearing glasses in one of them, haha!

1 comment:

N said...

great news! Wow - he is huge (in pounds) already!