Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Best not to ponder it

My ultrasound today showed 5 eggs on one side and 6 on the other. Dr W seemed pleased and said I was responding well. He is keeping me on 450 units of follistim and I go back on Friday for another check. The biggest egg was 9mm. My thoughts were that I don't seem to be gaining any more eggs just faster growing ones, however I will bow to Dr W's better judgement on this one and try to stop thinking about it.

For a girl who usually gets over 20 eggs, 11 does seem like a lack of effort on my part.

PGD may well be off the cards. I didn't even want to bring up the subject with Dr W, it's still early, and who wants to hear bad news anyway?

I'm getting old, my eggs have to start taking a downhill slide sometime! Now I know the answer to the difficult question "when is it time to stop doing IVF?" When your body is just too old to cooperate anymore!

Stay tuned for Friday's exciting update, will any eggs come out of hiding, shouting "surprise, surprise!?!"


N said...

OK, I'm not just saying this to make you feel better, because you know I'm honest with you, but it IS true that too many eggs often = worse quality and that doctors prefer to have between 10-20 max. I used to hate when people said that because I just wanted to believe that more was better, and gosh darnit, I produced 20-40 eggs! Then over time that decreased and I was down to 14 in our successful cycle I think. Only 11 fertilized. So we were right around where you are. Less often means better quality.

Aside from that, do you really want 25 embryos from this cycle? Consider the two scenarios:

1) Jenn gets pregnant with at most 2. You know have some ridiculous amount of embryos to make difficult decisions about. What on earth are you going to do with 23 embryos? Or even 10? It's a total BLESSING to not have as many eggs in a surrogacy cycle.

2) Jenn doesn't get pregnant. Again, do you really want to be left with 20 some embryos to have to keep doing FET after FET?

Either way, this is actually a good thing. You have more than enough to get great quality embies, and not too many that you face the situations above.

Put it in God's capable hands, OK? :)

Unknown said...

I don't know much about the egg side of things, but I just wanted to say I am rooting for you. :)