Friday, July 31, 2009

Nothing to report

Today's ultrasound was uneventful. Dr W said I was responding well and asked if I could feel things going on, so it turns out I'm not crazy to be feeling it! I purposefully didn't count how many eggs he was measuring so I don't have to agonize over whether there are too few, but at a guess I'd say he counted approximately 5 on each side. They were all about 11mm, which is a good sign since they are all growing at an even rate and should all be cooked at the same kind of time.

I had bloodwork done and hitting a vein was an issue. I had the worse pain I've ever had from a blood draw, but it's all over now, I think we'll try the other arm next time!

I have to stay on the 450 units of follistim for now, and I am let off any appointments this weekend...yeah!!

For now, all is well.


N said...

yay, sounds perfect!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you are responding well. I can't believe you didn't ask how many though??!? :)