Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are we too greedy?

This is a question I revisit on a regular basis. Are we too greedy to want more children? We do, after all, have 2 gorgeous little people who make us a family, aren't they enough for us? There are so many people who struggle just to have 1 and sometimes never attain that dream and here were are looking for 3 or 4.

I've come to the conclusion that I'll just never know the answer to that question. All I do know is that Sarah and Jacob remind us daily just what blessings children are and if wanting more is greedy, then so be it.

During the process of adopting the twins we knew we were just on the beginning of our journey to be parents, not at the end of the road.

My heart goes out to those who are still striving to become a family, I do know how it feels, but for now I am going to try and push the feelings of guilt at being so fortunate to one side and concentrate on the amazing road we are travelling right now and pray for more blessings to come our way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I look at it this way--you and Chris love S and J so much, and it shows. What person in their right mind would deny you the hope of more children to surround in your love?? Seeing how much you love and enjoy S and J was one of the reasons I decided to ask you about surrogacy, btw. :)