Sunday, August 9, 2009


Today is turning out to be my worst pain day since surgery. It's supposed to get better and I had high hopes for today, but unfortunately it was not to be. I am getting waves of pain that come on so quickly and for want of a better way to describe the pain it feels like my ovaries are about to explode.

Now, I am a rational person, so I'm pretty sure my ovaries are totally intact, but the panic is still bubbling there, just a little under the surface. I'm supposed to be resting, Dr W put on his stern face on Friday after surgery and told me to make sure I take it easy, but with no outward signs of illness I feel like a fraud, and with two little people running around where is the time for resting?

I am so grateful that we are not going to transfer tomorrow with me being the recipient, at this point I cannot imagine doing something quite so crazy.

The little people are napping now, so for at least a few minutes I'm going to try and sit on the couch and see if I can't still the waves of pain, if just for a while.

(I hope all our embies are doing ok today, we've had no bad news, so I'm hoping for the best).

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