Friday, August 7, 2009

My work is done .......

..........and Jenn's is just beginning.

At my surgery today 19 eggs were retrieved of which 17 were mature enough to be injected with sperm. We retrieved way more eggs that I expected so we are pretty happy. Tomorrow we will find out how many of those fertilized successfully. In the past two retrievals we'd had a 100% fertilization rate, so we will have to wait and see if we get that lucky this time.

I am still feeling a little sore, nothing that an early night and a bit of rest over the next couple of days won't fix.

Jenn's lining check this morning went better than we could ever have hoped for. Her lining was 15.5mm, which sounds totally warm and snuggly and an environment any embryo would be happy bedding down in, IMHO!

Go Jenn!

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