Monday, August 10, 2009

No transfer today!

Dr W just called to let us know that 11 embies are still growing nicely so we can take it to a 5 day transfer. He is sure we can carry out PGD on 9 of the 11, and possibly on the other 2, he's not sure quite yet, which probably suggests they do not have as many cells as he would like at this point.

This means a definite transfer on Wednesday, as long as

1. they don't all arrest because we carried out PGD on them
2. at least 2 embies hang on for the next two days
3. the PGD results doesn't show all our embies are totally duds or "incompatible with human life" as Dr W likes to phrase it.

I feel hopeful today. I'm going to be smiling for today even if I don't know what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

N said...

Hooray!! That's awesome news! With 9 embryos growing just right, there is little doubt that you will have at least 2 great ones to transfer! And 11 fertilized embies is a lucky number...that's exactly what we had!