Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nocturnal activities

Molly the cat. She's the only one in the house that gets to sleep through the night these days. When I wake to feed baby Evan the twins wake up and complain about something, Chris is on duty to calm that storm while I feed the little man. Now here I am, whilst everyone else is happy and back to the land of nod, pumping to keep up my milk supply.

Oh, the night time joys of family life!! I wouldn't swap it for anything else!!

1 comment:

N said...

I too have felt feline jealousy in the past. :) Your post scares me a bit because it's one of my greatest concerns that the twins will wake up due to the new baby. We're shifting things around the house as much as possible to avoid that but I know how loud it can get too. Our nice smooth routine has 9 days