Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nothing of interest

Today we went to Jenn's 36 week appointment. It was pretty quick and easy. Nothing much of anything to report, everything looked good, Evan's heartbeat was very noisy and Jenn is doing well. Our next appointment is next Friday at exactly 37 weeks. Since Jenn has delivered at 37 weeks before from next week we will expect a call at any time that little Evan is ready to make his appearance into the world, how exciting!!


Cheryl said...

Great news that all going along smoothly......not long now, how exciting!!!!! Yes I really am on the Internet this early, body must b getting some practise in for those early mornings!!! Xx

N said...

that is VERY exciting!

Mum and Dad said...

No wait - tell them both to hang on until I get there & settle in for a few days PLEEEEAAASE