Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Jenn's testing all came back ok so we are full steam ahead.

Jenn's big shots start this week, I'm sure she is totally looking forward to those. I, on the other hand, am happily jogging along with my little biddy tummy shots (sorry Jenn!)

We are only just over two weeks away from egg retrieval, at this point I know that it's all going to go really quickly and before we know it we'll be in the two week wait, and that, my friends, will NOT go quickly at all.


Unknown said...

Actually, I am kind of looking forward to the IM shots. For me, the Lupron is torture because you HAVE to jab it and I think that hurts! I prefer the IM's because you can just slide them in--so much more painless. :) I can't imagine having to do the Sub-Q's multiple times a day as you have to do. Brave lady. :)

N said...

A big huge HOORAY!!!!! (for the go ahead, not shots, though Jenn is a total pro)!