Today I got "the call", I wasn't expecting one so it was nice not to be sitting around waiting for it.
The news is good or bad (or both) depending on which way you see it.
Out of 11 growing embryos only 2 are normal. The others are still growing (they are fighters!) but they are not normal. I was shocked, but not surprised (is that possible?). After 6 transfers of 21 embryos we finally have our answer. If you add our dodgy abnormal embryos to my issues with hormone levels and lining problems it's not really too much of a surprise that we haven't been successful so far. I'll be honest, even though we did PGD (since it was the only thing left to do), neither Chris or I (or even Dr W) expected this outcome, it really is unusual to have such abnormal numbers.
I was complaining this morning that doing PGD was taking money away from other things that we needed, and now, this afternoon I believe that it was the best $4,500 we have ever spent. We now know that even with IVF, pregnancy (especially for me) would be highly unlikely.
Ok, so if we look at this as good news;
- We have 2 normal embies to transfer and that is all we need
- We are using a very experienced and proven surrogate which give our embies the best ever possible shot they could hope for
- If this cycle works we will not have to consider what to do with frozen embryos
- If we hadn't done PGD we might have transferred 2 abnormal embies since you cannot tell just by looking at them
Now for the bad news:
- We only have 2 normal embies to transfer, it's possible they have other issues we could not test for (we do not make many normal embryos)
- We have none to freeze so if this cycle doesn't work it's the end of the road for us
- The 2 normal embies might not make it until transfer tomorrow
Since the good points above outway the bad points I am going to believe this cycle will work until I hear otherwise.
Wish us luck for tomorrow!
I like your optimism. I haven't lost hope just yet, Kirsten!
HOPING and PRAYING is what I will be doing!!!!! Wow ~ after all this time.....I will be praying so long and hard for the new "twins" to be strong over night! I am proud of you and so happy for you that you are moving forward with this process. Lots of LOVE, kisses to Sarah and Jacob ~ you lnow how much I love them, DONNA xoxo
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